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    FitClick I am a FitClick admin account.
    TheShedFitness TheShedFitness has not written anything
    donnasim I was retired for 11 years but am now back at work part time and lovin it!!!! I am also a caregiver to my husband who has had a brain injury…
    LotsaLbs2Lose Keep reinventing g yourself!
    4everblessed THINK POSITIVE
    mushly I'm 6'2" and about 225 lbs. My goal is to get back down to 175-180, but I wouldn't mind 190-195 with 15-20 pounds of muscle mass :)
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  • Protein Primer II

    Protein bars are no longer just the tools of the iron-pumping trade…

  • Baby Steps

    Losing just 10 percent of your weight can be as healthy as dropping…

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