Tuesday, April 3, 2012 at 5:39pm
filed under
Calories Burned:
374 calories per hour
(based on a body weight of 150 lbs.)
Start: Get down on all fours and place your hands on the floor so that they're slightly wider than and in line with your shoulders. Straighten your legs, with your weight on your toes. Your arms should be straight and your body should form a straight line from your head to your ankles. Set your feet close together and squeeze your glutes. Brace your abdominals—as if you were about to be punched in the gut—and maintain that contraction for the duration of this exercise.
Stand tall with your legs straight and bend over and touch the floor. If you cannot reach the floor with your legs straight, bend your knees just enough so you can. As your flexibility improves, try to straighten them a little more.
Movement: Keeping your legs straight, take tiny steps to walk you feet to your hands. Bring your hips as high as possible, but don't allow your hips to rock as you bring your feet forward. Then, walk your feet back out to a pushup position without allowing your hips to sag. Your hands shouldn't move. That's one repetition.
For a more advanced move, try to travel with the exercise. Start in a pushup position. Keeping your legs straight, take tiny steps to walk you feet to your hands. Then, walk your hands out as far as you can without allowing your hips to sag. Take tiny steps to walk your feet back to your hands. Continue to altenate between walking your hands and feet forward across the room.
From the MH Experts: This exercise loosens your thigh, hip, and oblique muscles.
Tags: core, abs, six-pack