Really... the journey to tomorrow starts today
Thursday, October 7, 2010 at 10:55 PM filed under Just writing postings
6 months til my 28th birthday, and I'm 20 lbs larger than I was 10 years ago, 40 lbs larger than my senior year in college. What happened to my life/spark/sense of self/pride?
I'm glad I am who I am. I just wish I had the self-discipline, energy and focus to be who I know I CAN be, who I am meant to become, and who I am becoming with every moment and decision to move positively toward my future. I can taste the change. I can feel and sense and live in what health will be for me. I will not lose the taste of victory, and I will NOT LOSE.
My daughter needs me for the long haul. I see what ravages have had their way with my mothers body... how she calls herself water buffalo and says these comments that are supposed to be funny but are really just violence against herself. I do not want that for my future. And I am determined to make a change, starting today, and every day to come.