So I am 1.5 - 2 cm dilated. Feeling some contractions and hanging out home until they become painful or water breaks. Festive, huh. Focused on the fact that I will be holding this little blessing VERY SOON! Trying not to focus on the pain I will be getting induced on Wednesday, August 12th if he doesn't show up before then.
Use to being 128-130 pounds and here I am at 176. I know there is a recovery period of about 6-7 weeks before I can see the inside of the gym. Meanwhile, I will be getting my "eating clean" regimen in order while I get better. I have never had the kind of body that is natural thin. I have had to work on it VERY HARD and cannot eat whatever I want. I have a major sweet tooth and love my carbs. I must delete those sweets (except Sunday which I can have my favorite Boston Creme donut) and limit carbs. New rule that kicks in after baby is no food after 8PM.
Attached are before shots...