How To Lose Belly Fat

6 Tips to Lose Belly Fat

posted by FitClick Team
Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at 4:01 PM filed under
wLoss postings
Whether we want six-packs abs or to fit into skinny jeans, the desire to lose belly fat tops many of our wish lists. So, what’s the best way to go about trimming excess fat around the stomach? Unfortunately, there’s no special formula. Belly fat is easy to put on and tough to take off. Sit-ups and crunches alone will not do the trick. You’ll have to follow the steps for overall fat loss to see your stomach flatten and your abs to show definition.

To lose belly fat, you should workout at least 3 times per week for 1 hour each day. Get your heart rate into the fat burning zone (60% - 70% of your max heart rate).  Follow a healthy diet plan with fewer calories than your daily intake. Stick to lean meats, low-fat dairy, fruits, non-starchy vegetables, and whole grains. Steer clear of added sugars and processed foods.

Click for the complete How to Lose Fat article. Follow the tips below for targeting belly fat.

1. The Fat Burning Zone. Gradually, build the time and intensity of your cardio workout. Be sure to keep your heart rate in the 60% - 70% of max heart rate zone to ensure maximum fat-burning. Start walking, 3 times per week, on an inclined treadmill for 45 minutes. Or, if you prefer, take a long spin on a stationary bike or elliptical machine.

2. Full-Body Strength. Get into resistance training. Complete a full-body strength workout 1 to 3 times per week with free weights or machines. A leaner, more muscular body burns fat faster, including belly fat.

3. Abdominal Work. As you lose excess fat with cardio and strength training, it’s important to work your abdominal muscles, too.  Abdominal exercises alone won’t flatten your belly. But, the strengthening exercises will make your stomach look and feel tighter.

4. Crunch Time. Crunch variations are effective abdominal exercises. Target all muscles with bicycle, ball, side, and reverse crunches. To make the most of your work, make sure to stay in proper form. Check out exercise demos ahead of time.

5. Pilates Power. To successfully lose belly fat, you cannot neglect your other muscles. Try a full-body toning workout like Pilates. The exercises utilize all of your core muscles. By creating lean muscle mass, you will increase your body’s calorie burning potential.

6. Diet Attention.
No matter how many crunches and Pilates classes you do, you won't see changes in your midsection unless you adjust your diet. Know your calorie intake. Eat less, exercise more, and spend your calories wisely.

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