Today I had noticeably lower energy levels than usual because I gardened all day in the hot sun
so I was a little tired and just couldn't seem to stay hydrated enough. I waited until just a after 8 pm to go for my cardio intervals, and I went 4.07 miles tonight and I pushed myself hard so I am happy with my progress.
Monday evening will be my last run on the homefront for a couple of weeks. I am going out into the wilderness...and I do mean far, far away from civilization camping with my husband
, so I won't be on for awhile. I do plan to bring a book to track my workouts.
It is pretty wild country, but there are fairly decent roads and lots of trails, so I can still do my intervals...but...I am pretty damn chicken when it comes to bears, believe me. Had one come into our camp on our honeymoon, so Thank goodness for car alarms hahahah!!!! I do feel pretty silly to be so afraid, but it will affect how far I go from camp. I will have a radio with me, so I can keep in contact with the hubby, but I will be alot more alert and most likely fearful as I like to take runs in the evening when it's cool and that's the time bears wake up after slumbering through the heat of the day and come down to the river. Hahaha so I could really use some comments, support or advice here - also I really, really have sore ankles and knees after my runs so I need to buy some really decent cross trainer type shoes or something to that effect. Anyone have any recomendations? I'm willing to spend around $100. The camp has a very rocky shoreline and most likely I will be running there (and hooping with my brand new weighted fitness hoop the hubby will be building for me while we're out there. ^_^ ) so I know my feet will be toast on those round river polished stones, alot of them are large and you could break an ankle in the cracks if your not careful. So yes - good shoes and fitness clothing are becomming more and more of a necessity. I have one decent pair of fitness pants, their a little stressed and after 3 days you get a lovely sweat rash. Great news in the woods hahah so I will be washing clothes out there ;) wish me luck.