Eat To Live, Don't Live To Eat

38 F

1st entry!

Thursday, December 10, 2009 at 10:55 AM filed under Weight Loss postings
Good morning journal entry...typing this up instead of working.  Not the smartest of ideas, but I never claimed to be a genius...
Let me see.  I don't really have too much to discuss at the moment.  I will be moving into a new apt on the 15th of this month, and I am super excited.  The place claims to have a small fitness area for the residence, so I am hoping to be able to take advantage of that!  It will be nice, because then I will be able to cancel my membership to Victory Fitness (contract ends in Dec this year!) and get squared away on all of my paymnents.  It's been out of hand for quite a while.
I get a 2 months free rent @ the new place, so I'm going to use one the 1st month, skip one, then use the second one (can't do back to back).  This will free up a decent chunk of money, if I can manage to actually save it!  Unfortunately, it's hard to tell if that will be possible.  I anticipate It'll work out, but as of currently, Jeremy is still having problems with the unemployment money being transferred into his account.  The week of the 1st, he was supposed to receive a week's worth of claim, but for some reason they are having problems with direct deposit and the debit cards system they have set up in Ohio.  He's called them several times throughout the week, and all they could tell him was that they estimated the money to be accessible for him the following week (this week).  So tomorrow is Friday, and there still is no money.  What does this mean?  Well I am the one to front him cash to pay for his car.  $241 each month, on top of random expenses like pizza...
Right now, I am very frustrated with my teeth.  Until the last few years, I was extremely neglegent about my oral hygine.  So my stuff is pretty jacked up.  I have soft spots on almost all of my teeth, somewhere, and a few have broken because of it.  It's been a few months since my first temp filling popped out during camping, and a few weeks ago the other one fell out while I was gnawing on a piece of pizza...When I went to the dentist they said not to worry about it as long as it didn't bother me...well it's not painful or anything, I am just frustrated that I have these two holes in my back molars (sounds gross, I know >.<)  I've noticed that little pieces keep chipping off around the sides, so the holes keep getting bigger.  Eventually, i am going to run out of teeth.  I don't have the cash to get the root canals that my former dentist reccomended (as opposed to just pulling them). If I remember correctly, each one is around $900- $400 something for the procedure itself, then a 'build up' to make the tooth strong enough to have a crown on top of it, which is around $300 and change.  So that's almost 2k.  On top of that, my wisdom teeth have started fucking with me in the last year.  My two bottoms are impacted sideways and are predicted never to pop (finally my unsightly bottom extreme overcrowding almost makes sense) but my tops are being angry vindictive bitches.  Around June my left side started poking through.  Since then it has finished, I haven't had any problems, but while it was poking through, it was pretty awful.  My gums were sore, I had headaches, my teeth sometimes felt like they were swollen and bigger than normal.  It sits off and away at an angle that doesn't even help for chewing...And now my right is feeling like it's about to break through.  Irritated/sensitive gums are going down.  The other day, I had to take some aleve, because my teeth felt huge and were sore when I closed my jaw...I am so tired of having crooked teeth.  I never know if they are going to be super sensitive to flossing or brushing from day to day, week to week.  Sometimes I will have no problems, other times it is hell.  I've given up for the time being on using conventional flossing, I buy those little floss/pick devices that you only need one hand to use, because I get tired of contorting my fingers to weird angles to be able to floss inside of my train wreck of a mouth.
Many more complaints, but I figured I should keep this from being 500 pages.  Plenty of time to elaborate later.

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