Vegan for a Month

63 F

Week 1

Tuesday, January 5, 2010 at 2:13 PM filed under Weight Loss postings
My wife and I are reading The China Study. The book is wtritten by a Phd from MIT who started his career studying the connection between diet and disease, specifically liver cancer. Basically, his research shows that eating meat causes cancer and other diseases such as diabetes. Which bring me to why I am eating vegan for one month. We've long since know in this country that we are the unhealiest people in the first world. I am a Type II diabetic, an autoimmune disease that is closely tied to diet choices. I am on this diet not to lose weight but to improve my blood sugar control. (BS = blood sugar)
6:30 AM Breakfast BS: 189 Insulin: 8 units
10:30 AM Lunch BS: 169 Insulin 6 units
Keep in mind that blood sugar should be between 80-120. Running a little high today, but I have seen a lot worse.

2 Comments (add)
Last comment by CarolynDiets on 1/5/2010 7:16 PM

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