Vegan for a Month

63 F


Friday, January 8, 2010 at 2:42 PM filed under Weight Loss postings
Well, yesterday was another confusing blood sugar day. I hit a high BS about 4 hours after breakfast when I about ready to have lunch. Yesterday my BS went from 148 in the morning to 297 at 10:45. What???? And then at 3 pm I'm down to 73! Oh, this is so frustrating. 

Today, I started at 202 and then went up to 265 at 11:00. I took my insulin (10 units) so why these big jumps before lunch? I am leary of taking any insulin now because of the crash I had yesterday.

I'm surprised at how difficult it has been to keep the protein at the correct percentage eating a vegan diet. Soy has a lot of protein and so do beans - the bedrock of the vegan diet. Well, beans mostly. Low in fat high in protein. My wife has lost eight pounds already. I'll weigh in on Monday to see if I'm losing.

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