Vegan for a Month

63 F

First Week Over

Tuesday, January 12, 2010 at 11:54 PM filed under Weight Loss postings
The first week I gained a pound. Not sure what I did wrong. I promised to try vegan for a month so I will continue on this plan. I'm going out this week to an Indian restaurant. I've already looked at the menu so I know there are plenty of healthy, vegan choices.

The blood sugar has been wacky. Over 200 in the morning - but no this morning - 185 and that's with the popsorn snack I had last night before bed. i expected to be high this morning, really high, but not. Ok, that good. I forgot my kit so I couldn't test at lunch. Tested when I got home - 154.

So, we keep going. See the doctor tomorrow.

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