Review the Previous Week in the areas of movement, food, and mind:
Last Week's Successes -
Food: This was the high point of my week. I did really well and the results on the scale rewarded me for my diligence. Here's what worked: early morning high fiber breakfasts consisting of wheat bran, shredded wheat, raspberries (or blueberries), and soy milk; front loading the calories in the early part of the day and then saving enough calories so that I can have a before bed snack that satisfies me. I regularly got around 70 grams of fiber a day and 90 grams of protein. That appears to be the winning combination.
Last Week's Successes -
Exercise: I did pretty well with exercise. Once again I find that trying to delay my morning run until noon doesn't work. Apparently I turn into a petulant child at noon. Fortunately I only did that on Sunday.
Last Week's Successes - Mind and Related Factors: Incense is (surprisingly) helping me sleep and given that this was a very, very long work week, I did surprisingly well with sleep.
Last Week's Challenges: It was a vry stressful week and I had to work the full weekend. No nightmares this week though.
Assess the Upcoming Week's Challenges and Opportunities:
Another very busy week but nothing that seems unusually bad. We'll see.
Set an Intention for the Upcoming Week and Formulate a Plan:
Next Week's Intention: Up the fiber goal to 60+ grams of fiber a day. Diligently record food and exercise in Fitclick. Continue to implement the exercise plan. We plan to increase our runs to 1.5 miles a day. Set daily intentions.
The Plan: I plan to continue with much the same for next week. That is, I still need to pack lunches for Mondays and Wednesdays, still to carry through on my exercise plan and I still need to work on getting a lot of fiber. I also intend to work on getting at least 8 hours of sleep a night by going to bed earlier and (most critically) doing what I can to reduce stress before bed so that I can sleep through the night. Incense seems to work so I intend to carry through with that. Also, I think both my beloved and I are being too polite and kind and trying to give the other sleep (and as a result there is very little physical intimacy). I plan to challenge our politesse at least twice next week.