3 weeks in... or is it 4?
Thursday, March 18, 2010 at 4:43 PM filed under General postings
Time flies when you're having fun. Or, that's what I keep telling myself.
I'm finally getting a handle on my hunger. Rather than being hungry all the time, it comes in spurts. (shut up, LeRoy!)
If I can just manage to make it through those occasional times when I feel absolutely ravenous, I'm ok.
Been getting a bit of spring fever lately. Cleaning house, Cleaning the yard, Cleaning whatever catches my eye. Want to clean my car, but haven't been able to since I don't have it. Would be nice if hubby would let me drive my own car and he could drive his. I hate driving his truck! It's too damn big! Almost wrecked it again today because I couldn't see through the side posts.
ok thats off my chest... whew
I'm finally below 180 again. That's a wonderful thing! I'm thinking that if I just concentrate on 10 lbs at a time, I won't feel so overwhelmed. And being bikini slim by summer isn't out of the question. Although, I'm not so sure I want to wear a bikini anymore. I'm finally coming to the realization that not everything I want to wear is age appropriate for me. Sad... I didn't work up the motivation to get in shape until I was too old to show it off. ehhh, oh well.