My Weight Loss Journey

35 F

Day Six

Monday, April 5, 2010 at 7:50 AM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
I'll be totally and completely honest. I pigged out on Easter. Not on chocolate, but on dessert and food. I was so mad at myself! My boyfriend kept asking me what was wrong last night because I was so disappointed in myself. I'm weighing myself today (it doesn't really count since weigh-ins are Wednesday) just to see how much damage I've done. I have some time before I weigh-in. I'm only awake because my boyfriend needed some clothes and I  said I would get him some since he got up late. So I've been sitting here browing the internet for a few minutes.

I know, I should be up exercising but we're moving on the 10th (yay) and we'll have to walk for about five minutes from our apartment to the 24/7 gym they have. So, I'm taking full advantage of the gym then. Right now I'm just trying to eat healthy and get myself on a roll BUT I decided to pig out and that was no good.

When it's time to weigh-in (9:30am est) I will. But for now I'm going to go lay back down for a little bit.


I fell back asleep until 10:50 oops!!! Before I showered I weighed myself. 248. Not too bad but I was 246 three days ago. If I can get back to 247/246 by Wednesday I'll be happy!

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