My Weight Loss Journey

35 F

Day 21: I listened

Tuesday, April 20, 2010 at 9:08 AM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
I listened to my body. I feel so much better already! I know, it was only 10minutes but I heard my mind tell me so much! Here is the list I made...

What My Mind Wants
- To Be Thinner

What My Mind Really Wants
- To Sit Straighter so My Back Won't Hurt
- For My Boyfriend to Stop Saying, "OMG, Look at that HUGE ASS!" to Saying, "Mmm, Look at That Ass!"
- To Look Good in a Dress
- Stronger Upper Arms
- Look Good/Feel Comfortable in Shorts
- No More Kankles!
- To Eat Healthier & Smaller Portions
- To Read the Labels/Do Some Research Before I Go Out to Eat.
- To Stop Complaining that I Hurt. (aka Stop Aching)
- Stronger Core
- Smaller & Stronger Hips
- Stronger Knees*


* Just came to mind

So, that is my list. I'm going to do some research on some moves to help get that list going. If I don't exercise before work I will after!

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