Here we go again!

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Day Two

Monday, July 5, 2010 at 10:56 AM filed under General postings
Why is it when you try to cut down on your food and exercise more the days get longer??? Ok I know they really don't get longer but they sure feel like they do. I kept thinking if I can just make it to bed time and not eat anything I know I shouldn't it would be a great start. Of course it's short lived because I wake to start another abnormally long day. I'm not starving myself and not hungry but I guess it's the emotional eating that takes it's toll on me. Just glad I found this site so I can read and relate to others who are wanting positive change with their bodies too. Hope everyone has a great day!!
3 Comments (add)
Last comment by Brenda1964 on 7/6/2010 1:02 PM

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