Can't sleep!
Thursday, August 19, 2010 at 10:20 AM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
I haven't been able to get a proper nights rest for the last 3 nights and it is killing me. Last night was not so bad, I think I finally fell asleep at 2:30am.. but the night before I was still up at 4:30! I then about the time I'm settled and having a good ol' snooze, the alarm goes off and I have to get up. Of course I hit snooze 3 times, and end up being 1/2 late to work.
I'm not sure why I'm having trouble. In the past, I'd be snoring in 5 minutes. My hubby would laugh at me, because I could close my eyes and be out like a light so fast!
Since I've started all of this, I've really cut down on my coffee, so it's not that... I thought maybe I did my workout to late, and that kept me up - but yesterday I worked out through the lunch hour and I was still tossing and turning. I'm just not sure. I just lay there - and think about my diet. I think about how I can cut even more calories.
Last night I was feeling like I didn't do enough excercise. The Dr. says 20 minuites a day for now. I've been doing 30, but still feeling like its not enough. I want to take the weight OFF and last night I was lying there feeling bad because I had a good 2 hours in the evening where I could have gone for another walk, or lifted some weights - and I didn't. Instead I layed there and watched Big Brother.. ugh. Both Hubby and Dr ask me how badly I want to take the weight off. I want it bad - but I know, wasting valuable excercise time like that isn't going to help me get to my goal any faster.
Today is a new day, I will make the most of it :)