Got Ready...Got Set...Ummm, Wait...Forgot to Tie My Shoes!
Sunday, October 10, 2010 at 12:52 AM filed under Exercise & Fitness postings
I've planned it all out...had several long talks with myself, set all the pertinent goals, and informed those closest to me not to get in my way, it's time to get going on this journey and be proactive in my own life once and for all!
Now comes the toughest part of all...mentally staying on track pushing through to the end. It's tough to entertain my brain. It resists repetition. It resists the mundane. It absolutely hates boredom. This is the one true dilema for most athletes, so why doesn't Nike invest in solutions so we'll keep buying their shoes and workout clothes?!?!? Come on, people, JUST DO IT!! LOL