Workout plan/Venting anger
Monday, November 1, 2010 at 8:09 PM filed under Exercise & Fitness postings
I was trying to come up with a workout plan, but all of the ones I come up with are what I used to do when I was in really good shape/a cross country runner. I really want to do a workout plan that includes cardio and weights. The only problem is I am at college and have limited time. The gym here has every machine and weights possible, its just figuring out an exercise program that will give me the best results for my time.
Im also really hesitant about going to the gym becuase I compare myself to everyone else there. I do this on a daily bases even when I am not at the gym, but I just feel fat, worthless, and stupid when I go to the gym and am surrounded by Barbies and Kens. I tried going with my friends once but they were in pretty good shape already which also made me feel bad about myself. I just dont know what to do. Its almost a circle of feeling bad. If I dont go to the gym than I feel bad about myself, dont lose weight, and hate how I look. If I go to the gym I feel stupid and hate how I look. Gah. I wish this was easier....
sooo anyways, sorry about that little venting session right there. I was just wondering if anyone had a really good workout plan that seems to be working for them. Itd be really nice to just see what some other people come upwith. Thanks