Losing :))

33 F

Will Power

Sunday, November 21, 2010 at 11:10 PM filed under Weight Loss postings
Will power is tricky to work with; sometimes it's there, and then other times it completely dissapears.
I've learned, that you are a thousand times more likely to pig on junk food when you're low on protien, so a glass of milk, or some chicken now, would be a lot better then chocolates and cakes later.
If you empty your home of junk food in the first place, you will not be as tempted to eat it. Fill your fridge with vedgetables, fruits, and other things that would be benificial towards your diet.
Keep in mind that the voice inside your head yelling 'just one little snack won't hurt...' is purely your body trying to prevent weight loss, then maybe you can find it in you to be stronger than that.
You know you are succesfully losing weight when that voice gets louder.
Find something else to do, like maybe go for a jog, or go to a friends house for a few hours. Eventually you will forget you ever wanted food, and you will make it to the next meal without losing it.

Good luck to everyone,
I hope you all get the body you know you deserve,
1 Comment (add) | Tags: Determination, Fat, Katrina, Skinny, Support, Weight, Will Power
Last comment by CambKmg on 11/29/2010 7:41 PM

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