Sultry, Sexy, Healthy ME!

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Giving up the "Bottelz"

Thursday, January 13, 2011 at 9:17 AM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
When I was a mere 12 year-old child, I got hit in the head with a bottle by an idiot in my middle school.  That day I went home and my older brother/mutual friend were there playing computer games (imagine the graphics on that! it was like 1997!!).  Anyway, I told them what happened and the friend said... "Oh no, your new name is BOTTLES!"  At first I hated it, but it stuck.  I even changed the spelling to "Bottelz" and grew to love that name.  Even at 26, people still refer to me as Bottelz.  The meaning, however, mutated into something a whole lot different that a clunk to the skull; people took the name to mean I "pop bottles" or can always be seen with a bottle of some sort of alcohol.  I began to be a slave to the bottle.  I know that giving up unhealthy foods and drinks means that I have to cut down on my drinking.  EMPTY CALORIES? UGH!  So, this week (my first week) I have cut out alcohol.  It may not mean anything to most, but this is coming from someone who drinks a cran and vodka every night!  I noticed that I have so much more energy this week, fewer headaches when I wake up, and don't have to force myself to get out of bed (well... maybe a little less than usual, I HATE mornings!).  I'm loving my alcohol-free week.  I know that a glass of red wine is considered healthy, but I think I'll pass until I believe I deserve a treat.  So, not only am I giving up unhealthy foods and sodas, but I am giving up the bottle... so long, stupid vodka!
1 Comment (add) | Tags: bottle, drinking, unhealthy, vodka
Last comment by mx_burke on 1/21/2011 12:34 AM

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