A Gr8 Weight

62 F

Weighting to Exhale!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011 at 5:30 PM filed under Weight Loss postings
What a difference a year makes!
I have lost track of what it means to diligently work toward a goal. I think that is the big problem with losing weight.
This time around, I have decided to make no resolutions, no promises to myself, no competitions, no unrealistic deadlines!
This time I am discovering what it means to be a fulfilled, self-directed person.
I have made, yes, another weight tracker. The big deal this time is that I am already on week three and have lost three pounds per week. That is great motivation!
I have read "Greater Health God's Way" by Stormie Omartian. I read the book back in '97 and it put me on the path to fasting. It was wonderful. I have begun following the path of fasting once agian.
Last night as I ended four days of eating "whatever I wanted", I couldn't wait to begin the fast today to clean my body of the damage.
I also have the scripture found at 1 Corinthians 19:20 posted on my bathroom wall. I read it each time I go into the bathroom. I believe that as God's word has power, it has the power to transform my body into one that is pleasing to Him and others as well.
I think that I am holding my breath this week as my weight remained constant last week.
We will see what happens next Monday.

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