Sultry, Sexy, Healthy ME!

40 F

Detox Disaster!

 Rating: 5.0/5.0
Thursday, January 20, 2011 at 9:35 AM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
Ok, so lately I have been tracking what I eat and it hasn't been the best.  I decided that it would be a great time for a detox.  I asked a few people to join my endeavor, and my brother agreed.  We went to the local Fairway Market, purchased lush fruits and leafy greens, juicy organic chicken breasts, the staple Extra Virgin Olive Oil, and a hefty bag of tiny, unsalted flaxseeds.  When we got home, I prepared a bag of food each for us to take the work the following day: an orange and grapefruit, baby carrots, mixed greens, a half of a chicken breast that I sauteed in olive oil with a bit of honey, water, and a tablespoon of flaxseed.  Upon awaking, I had a glassful of water with the juice of an organic lemon and chewed upon some flaxseed (okay... not as bad as I thought the little brown wonders would be).  Then, I had half of my grapefruit and decided to eat the other half as soon as I arrived at the office (hmm... juicy and less bitter than I remember, I think I can work with this).  I took a mid-morning break and had some baby carrots (wow... crunchy!).  I found myself counting down the minutes until it was time for my lunchbreak.  My stomach was growling and at that point I was glad that I am in an office alone.  Lunchtime!  I grab my lunchbag, toss the chicken into the microwave, and ran to eat my meal.  I scarffed down the salad, and ate my orange as my dessert.  The salad was bland (I did happen to find some balsamic in the office kitchen), but the orange was unbelievable.  The juices... the sweetness... the EVERYTHING about that orange!! 
Then came the disaster... While checking my email, I got a newsletter from about a new sandwich spot.  I'm a restaurant fiend, so I couldn't help reading the newsletter.  Then came the link... I clicked the link and began viewing pictures of the food.  Suddenly, (I think I'm like superhuman or something) the pitiful salad and orange digested in my tummy and I was STARVING!  I scrolled through pictures of gourmet burgers as my mouth salivated and stomach contracted.  Due to an ice-storm, the office closed early.  I called my brother and he too was suffering from pangs of hunger.  I left work, picked him up, and we went to a gourmet deli in my neighborhood.  I ordered a DOUBLECHEESEBURGER, with CARAMELIZED ONIONS, a side of FRIES and a can of PEPSI!  I even had a FRIED CHICKEN WING to munch on while waiting for him to grill up the burger.  Oh wait, let's not forget the TWIX that I thought would round out the sick, twisted, DELICIOUSLY SATISFYING failure. Ugh, it sucked... but it was sooooo good!  I'm back on track.  I realized that what I was doing was starving myself.  I have decided to put the extreme detox on hold, and stick to incorporating healty foods into my diet. 
1 Comment (add) | Tags: detox
Last comment by mx_burke on 1/21/2011 12:39 AM

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