The Path to 169 Lbs.

44 M

Sore and in-flexible

Thursday, March 3, 2011 at 7:53 PM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
I did my workout yesterday. Normally, I take 2 days to feel sore. Well, I am sore today. Not unbearably sore, but it hurts in my chest to lift my arms higher than my head and quads are sore. Other than that I feel ok. Tried to do turbofire stretch 40 today. Mistake. I wanted to do some simple stretching but the workout had too many yoga like moves. Yoga is ok, but 1. I am sore and 2. not that flexible to start with. What ever happened to old fashioned direct stretching. That's all I want a good old school stretch video. My flexibility sucks and I don't think yoga poses are going to help me, especially if I can't do the move. Diet-wise, I think I went a little over today at breakfast, and should have left the skin off the chicken in my soup. I was 300 cals over, not bad if you consider I was 700 cals. under yesterday. Well, not an excuse got to keep on moving along. Hopefully, I won't be too sore tomorrow. Have an early workout with Burn Circuit II.
1 Comment (add)
Last comment by Martinka on 3/4/2011 9:17 AM

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