The Second Half of My Life

63 F

Onward and Downward

Wednesday, March 30, 2011 at 5:15 PM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
Today was my mid-week weigh in and I am down another pound and a half!  Yay me!

It seems like the only thing I'm not having a problem with his my nutritional plan these days.  I can't seem to get anything done and I feel like I'm continuously spinning my wheels!  I'm not kidding, some days I can't even remember what I had for breakfast or God forbid, what I actually did the evening before...............ack!

My sister is coming on April 9th and I'm trying hard to get my house and yard looking good for her arrival.  She lives in the D.C. area and we try to see each other once or twice a year at the least.  (Oh, I live in the Houston, TX area so one of us has to travel to make this happen.)

I almost have the yard whipped into shape where all I will have to do is maintain all I've done for the summer.

I worry over having guests and you know what the funny thing is?  Okay, stop begging.....I'll tell you......she probably doesn't even care about all the things I worry about, she is just glad to be here and see me and have relaxation time! 

I'm going to work on not getting so stressed about it all and about money..........heck, I'll make more right?  Stress just messes up any kind of focus we have for anything we are trying to accomplish and lord knows, we don't need to make things any harder than they already are!

Thankful for today, hopeful for tomorrow!

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