Not bad
Tuesday, April 12, 2011 at 9:31 AM filed under General postings
So this morning was my second weigh in, after the initial weigh in, of course. I lost 2 pounds this week. Now the reason I say 'not bad' is because this was a very busy week for me. But the highlight of my week was my Saturday night out with my husband. We went with my sister and her (oh so handsome) husband to the boat club for their annual 'All you can eat rib dinner'. Now I can live without ribs, but when we had been to the club earlier in the month, and my husband (who does not need to lose weight, naturally) saw the poster he says "I want to go to THAT!". So we went.
I was careful earlier in the day to allot for what I knew I'd be eating. I looked around and checked the calorie counts on BBQ ribs. So I thought I was prepared. And I was. For the ribs.
What I wasn't prepared for was the alcohol. I enjoy a drink now and then. Nothing fancy mind you, I'm a beer and shot girl. When I get together with friends, I'm perfectly happy to have a beer or two and maybe a shot, but I never drive in any sort of questionable state, ever.
So with my (non drinking) husband driving... and my baby sister (baby, ha! She's 39) still celebrating her recent marriage (to a wonderful man, first marriage for both)... we both decided to have a few drinks. A few too many, as it turns out.
In my mind, I'm counting what I'm drinking. I had 6 Bud Lights and enough shots that I won't say how many (but I know) and I added them all to my diet tracker the next morning. Actually, more like the next afternoon. I slept late. Very late. Really really late. And still didn't feel well when I got up. But that's my problem.
The thing is, that, I've been taking in so many fewer calories the last 15 days that I knew, I knew, the whole time I didn't need that many beers. But I was like a kid in a candy shop and if they were buying my drinks, I was drinking them. Can't turn down someone's generosity, right? Don't want to insult anyone, right? Guess what? I should have. And I'm reasonably sure that I wouldn't have broken anyone's heart had I declined. I would've had the same amount of fun on 2 or 3 drinks as I had on the many many I had.
So why am I telling you this? Well, first of all, because if I say it out loud, I'll feel accountable to someone. I'll be more careful next time, and I won't behave like I'm at a dorm party. And second, I want to say that for all my planning, I hadn't counted on the obvious. That I would be tempted by my surroundings and I need to pay attention to that if I want to try and change my choices for the long term (as in ... the rest of my life).
So in spite of all that, I did lose 2 pounds this week and that's good. And by the way, the ribs were awesome!