Getting Started
Sunday, April 17, 2011 at 12:24 PM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
WEll, I'm starting AGAIN. This is my first time using fitclick, myself and a friend started just yesterday. I hope that the posting will keep me on track. I'm 42 and have 130lbs to loose. I keep hearing an advertisement on TV for another one of those reality shows with fat people trying to loose weight but on this one there is a woman who says " I wake up every day on a diet and go to bed ever night a failure" Even just typing this chokes me up a little because I can relate so well to that statement. I don't know how I have let myself become this and knowing the long road ahead of me to try to get back to a comfortable weight and fitness level is daunting. This time round my strategy is to tell everyone, I'm posting here, I'm telling people at work that I'm trying to get fit I'm going to schedule a weekly bike ride with the bike club I've belonged to for years but haven't been riding with and I'm going to ask for help at my gym(also something I belong to but don't use!) maybe take a weekly class and get to know some people. I don't know, I only know that I have to change. My body as it is now frightens me, embarrasses me and disappoints me but I'm sick of hiding and am going to change it instead.
So, right now. Todays goals are to get out for a walk, stick to todays calories, pack a good lunch for work tomorrow and get the gym bag packed so I can go to the gym right after work.