Getting Healthy Again!!

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Stressful week

Tuesday, April 26, 2011 at 12:23 PM filed under General postings
My last workout was last Friday...yikes!  We spent Saturday at our son's baseball tournament and then I spent Sunday morning getting food ready to take to my family's for Easter dinner.  I ate a lot  for Easter dinner too! LOL  Nothing too terrible though... I had a little bit of everything but it was the most food I've eaten in one sitting in a very long time!

The month of April and the first couple weeks of May are the busiest for me at work and this week I'm under a lot of pressure and a lot of stress... I think it's definitely affecting me!  I was so exhausted last night that I didn't do any workout whatsoever!  I really wanted to do some yoga but could not find the energy.

I'm determined to change that tonight though! I'm hoping to go home from work and jog my 1 1/2 miles and then make dinner.  I'd like to do my yoga before going to bed too! 

I've just got to make the time for this...but it's hard!

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