One Day at a Time...

38 F

June 1

Wednesday, June 1, 2011 at 8:05 PM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
Good evening! Today I took advantage of being able to sleep in, now that the school year is over. I ate rather well. I still have 4 points left, which I'm hoping to use on popcorn after the hubby gets home from the field--praying it doesn't rain though and he can work late. I had some cookies today, but a salad and fruit for lunch and didn't need a snack this afternoon. Before supper I walked 2 miles. Tomorrow I meet a friend for lunch, so hopefully I don't go overboard--it's really my first time eating out without the support of my husband. I'm praying I have the willpower to make good choices. Well here's to a great day and hopefully another one tomorrow!!!
1 Comment (add)
Last comment by ltmsenergy on 6/2/2011 7:48 PM

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