One Day at a Time...

38 F

June 3

Friday, June 3, 2011 at 10:18 PM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
First I'll start off by talking about yesterday--I ate out with a friend--chose a side salad and a grilled chicken sandwich--didn't eat the bun to save calories. Then that evening I was out to eat with my parents--I got a meal on the "Under 500 Calories" section, so I shouldn't have gone over much on my points. I walked 2 miles yesterday as well. As of now, I still have 3 points left and I'm sure I'll use them--I'm starving! Early evening today I was in a 3 mile race that I planned on walking since I was pushing my godson. I ended up running during some of it, which surprised me....but I didn't want to be last! I regret it now though as I knew it would begin a migraine. Sure enough, I've gotten one in the last hour or so--Hoping it doesn't stick around for very long.

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