3 weeks in
Friday, July 8, 2011 at 2:46 PM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
I'm three weeks into my fat burn with Lipo 6 Black UC and things are going great. I did notice however that after two weeks and 10lbs lost, with the same calorie intake as before, 2200, that I hit a wall. After looking at my food log for the two weeks I think I found what has caused the stop in fat loss. I was also taking Cell-Tech creatine after my workouts and it has 75g of sugars in it, as well as, and insulin spiking agent to feed the muscles faster. A long story short, I was getting to much sugar and the insulin spike was counter-acting against the fat burner. Today is the first day without the Cell-Tech so hopefully be next week I will see a difference again.
Also, I have noticed an increase in strength over the last few weeks and my lifts are getting better. I am doing heavy weight, low reps and it is working great for me.