The not so beginning
Saturday, July 30, 2011 at 10:02 PM filed under Weight Loss postings
Well my weight loss journey began right as my weight GAIN journey ended in the birth of my beautiful totally worth the stretch marks daughter. The problem with pregnancy was that I was unprepared to handle the stresses and nuances that came with it and found myself gaining a shocking 95 lbs. That in and of itself was not so bad, had it not been for the slow and steady relationship weight gain of 30 lbs in the 6 years leading up to pregnancy. So there I sat a new mom looking at my gorgeous new born and thinking of all the ways I was going to show her how to lead a healthy and active lifestyle, with healthy lifestyle weight loss, that would show her a strong female role model with unparalleled self confidence and a great ass. I for the first time in my life was going to do things the right way , not a fad diet, not an effort to starve the fat off, but solid work ethic and and a healthy diet and slow steady progress.
My first "workout" once cleared by the doctor when my doctor was 6 wks old, was a light stroll with the family dog Katie. We made it about .25 k before I was short of breath an my legs hurt, I hadn't realized how bad it had gotten, and I cried on the return walk. I continued eating well and lost 25lbs by the time my daughter was 8 weeks old. I walked every day sometimes twice at first just around the park then I took ever widening concentric circles. My first aerobic work out was 9 mins including warm up and i was so dizzy I had to lay down for ten minutes, the next night I did 11 minutes. Eventually I was able to do 1.5 hours a night, PLUS my daily walks. I had joined a strollercise group and the hole lot of us with our jiggling bellies, babies screaming from the strollers with our asses applauding us along the way, we ran....for 10 seconds, then walked a minute, then ran for 20 seconds, walked a minute, then ran for 30 seconds and walked. This felt sooo intense I could hardly breath and my mommy soul mate Vero and I usually took a shortcut to the finished line. at 6 months old I had lost 40lbs, I had a long way to go still but I felt good.
My father gave me a copy of p90x and I thought that was really sweet...till I realized he was trying to kill me. I struggled through the first workout, actually I struggled for the first week I completed half of the workouts before my CD went kaput at least it had pushed me to over 50 lbs lost. This is where my real love affair began, I started running it started with 10 second runs on 1 k tracks. Then it progressed inspired by my sister (Kristen) running a half marathon I signed up for a 10k I trained hard and was able to run 80% of it finishing with a time of 81:45.
Since the beginning of my weight loss journey I have lost 82 lbs and have 13 lbs to go. I am training hard to beat 30 minutes on an upcoming 5k and have inspired my husband(J-L) and sister (Jenn)to start running as well. I love to run and while I'm sure I don't look as graceful as some more seasoned pros out there I'm enjoying myself immensely and would love to do a half marathon next year with Kristen. I still have 45 lbs to go to hit my goal and have no doubts I will make time.