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Thursday, November 3, 2011 at 9:57 PM filed under Weight Loss postings
Oh my heck...I 've lost 40 pounds....crazy eh??? Gosh I love myself a lot now! It's crazy how much losing weight has changed me I look at life in a different and new perspective it's quite nice and I love it! I used to be all depressed and muggy feeling now I'm like happy and active. The biggest thing I've learned is not to be so hard on yourself. That's the WORST thing you can do! Oh and don't go on a diet because you won't stick to one at all. They suck a lot and dont end up helping you unless you want to stick to that diet for the rest of your life until the day you die. But I know for me it doesn't work going on a diet I just made little itty bitty changes like I drank a lot I mean  ALOT of water. It's my favorite thing now! And water really does curve your appetite, its true. Another suggestion is don't use salt at all! It retains water meaning you won't lose that weight it will remain in your body for a while and it will take an even longer while to get all it off. So NO salt, it helps no one. You will be surprised at what foods you can't stand if you stay away from salt, like I used to absolutely love bacon but once you go a while without it and think you need some it is absolutely too salty and gross. Try to stay away from sweets as much as possible, I have to admit one once a day is okay. Don't go without something you absolutely love just because you have to lose weight, it will just make you depressed and grumpy. When I was just starting this whole process I was super grumpy and thought it was the end of the world when I over ate or if I didnt exercise I thought I was going to die. Honestly guys it's not a big deal at all. It's perfectly fine. With exercise I'm going to tell you something your absolutely going to hate me for but its absolutely true, Running is the BEST exercise. It really melts away the fat fast and builds endurance and heck your legs will look killer, that never hurts! My fail proof exercise is my running and Just Dance 1,2,3; they honestly work my but off and I feel so energized after I have just exercised its crazy awesome! I also do training exercises I found some on the internet at first, but then I found the Nike Training App on Itunes and I love it! I do the flexibility one, and it makes my core super strong, I love it! I hope this will help you guys! If you need any help I'm willing to help you please comment of even message me on my wall! Good luck I know if I can do it YOU CAN DO IT too!!!

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