Memoirs of a fat chick

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Cupcakes and Strategic Weightloss Tips

Tuesday, November 22, 2011 at 9:57 PM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
Well..... Goodbye are the days of eating treats and chocolate, Bring on the Salad! Its pretty pathetic that after losing 30 pounds I found myself falling into my old eating habits again. So frustrated at myself... but lucky to have recognized the habits this time around and pulled myself together to get back on track! I want to much to drop the weight, keep it off, and maintain an active healthy lifestyle. It all comes down to effort... how badly do I want it? I want it bad... and I need to guys to keep me accountable and remind me of that when times get tough and those cupcakes look really good! LOL.. Mmmmm cupcakes. Below is a list of positive steps I've been making: I've started the art of powerful thinking. Instead of 'I HAVE to go to the gym'... i say 'i WANT to go to the gym.' It sounds hokey.. and believe me sometimes its hard to swallow but it really does make a small little difference.. because I think i REALLY want to lose the weight so it inspires me just enough to rev up my motivation and get my butt there. I've also convinced my husband to adopt a diet plan. For all the married people out there... you know how vital this is. We egg eachother on to continue our weightloss goals and we cook according to the diet so neither of us is tempting the other with ice cream, etc. I adopted a work out buddy.... casual contact with the gym is easy. Committing to a relationship is even harder. Luckily I found a friend who is in the same boat as me and was needing motivation too. On the days when the couch is calling my name, so is she. Plus a little healthy competition between two friends isn't so bad ;) I bought new gym shoes. Leaving no room for excuses I decided to invest in a good pair of cross trainers (running shoes made for actual running and gym use). $150 later..... but at least I have the proper necessities 'to keep fit and have fun', plus I'm excited towear/use them them to accomplish my goals! I found little activities to keep me busy and away from late night snacking! For myself, I found a REALLY good book that I look forward to reading. But a little t.v, scrapbooking, etc before bed keeps me away from what I like to call 'bored-eating.' Ya'll know what I mean... eating because you have nothing else to do. So... thanks for listening. Talk soon, Sweettooth.

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