FitClick Insider

46 F , Vienna ,VA
 Rating: 5.0/5.0

More New Features

 Rating: 5.0/5.0
Monday, April 9, 2012 at 12:55 PM filed under General postings

We have been hard at work creating new features for the site. so hard at work that we haven't been posting enough about updates -- we're going to do a better job at that going forward.

As you might have heard, we have added Points Redemption functionality to the site. You will be able to redeem the points you accumulate for rewards from third parties. If you click on your point total in your sidebar profile or navigate to My Points from your Home page you'll now see a Points Summary at the top of the page. Click on the "Redeem" link to see the offers available. Redeeming your points will not impact your overall total -- we realize it's important for the active users to maintain their site status. You'll just see the points added to the "Redeemed Points" section and subtracted from the "Rewards Points" section.

We are working through the final stages of our "Challenges" functionality, which will eventually let you create individual and group challenges on the site. In this firsty version all challenges are going to be individual (users competing against other users), but group/team challenges (group of user competing against another group of users) will be coming soon after.

We are also working hard on improving the Activity Log so that you can directly comment on the activities of your friends. Usage of the Facebook News Feed is the model for what we're building so that we can create more interaction between you and your friends on the site. Full integration with Facebook using Facebook Connect is also high on our to-do list.

A simplification of the controls at the top of both the exercise and diet trackers is also something that will happen within the next couple weeks, as well as refining the the switch workout and switch diet process based on user feedback.

Finally, a lower-level interaction relationship between site members is coming soon. Using the Twitter concept of "Following" we're creating a way for users to learn more about what other users are doing without having the more detailed view and relationship that a "Friend" would have. This would let you "Follow" another member of the site with a single click, but on a more limited basis than our "Friend" functionality. We think this makes more sense on FitClick (where you're meeting new people) than on Facebook (where you're going to connect to people you already know).

There are some other very cool tracker functional pieces as well, but let's keep that quiet until we get them to function :)

Good luck with your fitness goals!

- The FitClick Team

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