The Me I Want To Be: A Journey...

44 F

Getting Started

Friday, May 25, 2012 at 12:35 PM filed under Weight Loss postings

I can't believe how much weight I have put on in the last few months!  I always said that being in a relationship made you fatter... I have to adnmit thought that i let my self go a while ago and I was full of excuses for why NOT to do exercise.  Being in teh final year of my degree was a great excuse to "study and exercise later".  I have my final exam in 5 days and I want to be well into gaining a new body by then!  I havenoticed that I am reluctant to go out and my clothes are looking incredibly different to how they used to be on.  Everyhting just looks a little - NOT right!  So here it is - the attempt to get back on track.  I am hoping that haivng to document how I am doing will keep me from slacking and deciding not to do something.

I think its time I returned to the me I KNOW I really am!!  Watch this space.

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