Day 1 Repeat...Darn it!
Monday, July 16, 2012 at 4:20 AM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
Well, darn it all! Didn't get much accomplished first day out, so will give it the ole college try again today. Unexpected chaos ensued right at the start of the day and kept up until the end, which completely threw all my plans off.
However, I fully plan to be prepared from today on...I'll take yesterday as a learning experience and know that from now on I need to be ready for anything...including bouncy 7 year old girls who want to bake cakes, make gummi candies, granola bars, cookies, and other crafts and show up at 730 am! Sheesh...temptation your name is my adopted niece! The evils of little girls who are addicted to everything sweet. :)
So, time now to get back on track and start with a new day, new beginning that I'm ready for and committed to!