Guess the name of this blog tells it all. After I joined last year I started at Curves Gym, was doing really well ...lost almost 15lbs. Went out and bought a motorcycle that I've always wanted, thinking that it would push me even harder, by wanting my behind to look good on it, especially since I drive never passenger on them...then got rammed and flipped over by our Saint Bernard. Out of comission for another 6 months with a break in my leg right bellow the knee. Seems like everytime I get motivaed to do this something happens. Haven't been back on the bike since the day before the break in November, but I'm ready. Ready to make a big change n my life not only weight wise, but fresh start by moving 1400 mls away from all the drama here. So my dieting has started today, no hard exercise, but will be spending a few hours cleaning out our garage in 105* temps...figure I'll sweat and work alot doing this. Good luck to all of you, wish me the strength to do this as I for you :)