Benjamin Goode
It sneaks up on you slowly, and then, suddenly, without warning, a bone breaks. It’s often the first sign of osteoporosis – the silent disease. Silent because there are no symptoms of the gradual thinning and loss of bone density in the progression of the disease.
Screening for osteoporosis using plain X-ray images is a waste of time. By the time bone density changes are noted in these images, you’ve already lost 30% or more of bone mass. A DEXA scan ( dual-energy X-ray absorbtiometry) is the way to go. It’s a more sensitive and reliable way to detect early stages of osteoporosis. If you’re a 45-year-old woman – postmenopausal – it’s time to get a diagnostic, DEXA scan. Read about osteoporotic fractures and special treatment procedures in Back Surgery – Avoid the Nightmare, available at Amazon.