Trying to find a balance

40 F

Time to get Naked

Monday, September 17, 2012 at 9:48 AM filed under General postings

I have been an overweight person all my life and one of my biggest fears is to be naked. There is a physical being naked where you are without clothes but I am talking more about the emotional nakeness where you are true to yourself and those around you. For years I have used my fat to keep me from things. "I can't because I am too big" is what I would tell myself. Most of the time that is not the case just a lame excuse. No more excuses I need to get on track and peel back the layers to get to me. I don't want to fear what I haven't even attempted to do. So I would like to take this opportunity to come clean and have myself shine through...

Every night I eat at least a bowl of cereal and a sandwich once my family has gone to bed.

I have eaten fast food bagged the evidence and threw it out in a public trash can so the people in my house would not find out.

I have blew off working out to stay home and eat.

I have eaten an entire pan of brownies in one sitting.

I eat when I am not hungary all the time...I honestly don't know if I truly know the feeling of being hungary.

I will skip meals all day only to binge eat at night.

After I binge eat I will eat large amounts of bran or fiber to counter act what i have done.


I am going to stop for not I don't want to shed too much in one day. I know that this is going to be a process and I am grateful to have the opportunity to share and come clean even if no one reads any of this. I feel better just venting in an open forum.I just have to keep in mind that  I am the only person keeping me from getting to my goal. I am the one who decides what to eat and if I workout.

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