51 F


Wednesday, January 9, 2013 at 2:50 PM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings

So I took a break from adding my blogs, I have been busy doing the couch to 5 k workout - week 1 (today is my 2nd day) and my boot camp. Yes i attend a bootcamp given by the police force and oh boy its the real thing.

So I walked into the bank today and my friend who is the teller complimented me and asked if I was dropping pounds...wow, what an incentive to keep it up. Yes my scale which is very tempremental has its good and bad days, so to ensure that it is reading me right, i get my husband to also weigh in and his weight hasnt budged...mine has. Imagine since the 1st january to today 9th January, I have gone from 168lbs to 162lbs and I am seeing it in my face which is slimming out and doesnt stand out all chubby.

I am on a mission and determined to get to 130 lbs by April 1st. I am presently wearing size 12 clothing...ugggh....and would like to go down to size 8 or size 6...wouldnt that be great?!

Ive been eating plenty of proteins trying to keep off the bad sugars like bread, sugar, cookies, etc and focusing on everything healty. I will admitt my weakest moments are at night and I tend to now visit the fridge and maybe take some hummus on a spoon and nibble on that.

Will continue to keep you posted.

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