Weight Loss Tip for people over 35

51 M

Trigger Your Metabolism to RUN!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013 at 11:28 AM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings

The body’s own metabolism is also a huge key in how quickly and easily you burn fat.

There are many foods that will trigger your body to burn fat more efficiently, and to be more energetic. And once you get your metabolism up, you can eat, even cheat, when you want, and your body will still burn fat, even when you sleep.

I used this book on Turbo Metabolism Triggers (http://www.bossbookstore.com/productinfo_v3.aspx?productid=TURBOMETABOLISMSUPERFASTWEIGHTLOSSTRIGGERS) and it helped jump start my training.

I am now eating better, and getting leaner. I think this can help a lot of people. It worked for me.

 - Chris


1 Comment (add) | Tags: fat loss, getting older, lose weight, metabolism, weight loss
Last comment by mancepoperes on 4/11/2019 5:54 AM

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