I want me back

33 F

from 9 til now

Sunday, June 30, 2013 at 3:31 PM filed under General postings

I was born and raised in South Lake Tahoe, CA. IF any of you reading this has been there you will automatically know there are plenty of activities to do outdoor to stay fit. I loved it I lived out in the middle of the forest and that's where I spent most ofmy time. I took ballet classes when I was young about 9 years old, I did have more baby fat than all the other girls, one day we were warming up and one of the girls came up to me with her hands on her hips and said, "why are you in this class? you're too fat to dance with us." It hurt to hear that especially at that young of age, and with that I believed it so I stopped going to dance classes and instead found something that didn't only work my body out but I fell in love with it!!! Softball...I layed softball that summer all the way until I graduated highschool in 2009. Since then my habits have changed, the heaviest i weighed was 150 and to me thats not healthy for how I am structured. My ideal weight is 125-127 and im trying to get there. Softball was a good thing for me, I will get back to playing but Im interested in actually working my muscles out. Finding this website is a great start for me.

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