Up for a Holiday challenge and feeling Awesome
Friday, August 16, 2013 at 3:29 PM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
I feel Awesome Only becuase I know I can do this. If want to eat healthy I can and if I want to eat what ever I can tell my self no. It's all about being able to convince yourself it's for the best. Sure fast food might seem great or even a hot pocket fast and simple but remebering how you feel later isn't worth it. There is a comidian who jokes about hot pockets. I don't know if anyone has ever ate a hot pocket and felt good after ward sure they might be full but it's not that awesome feeling after dineing o n a awesome salad. But like anyone else a hot pocket seem like it would be good. Not that it is a bad idea. It's all about self control. Like say one slice of pizza instead of two. sometimes one slice can be like two depending on how big the slice is and the size of pan you wanted. Me I'm big on the meat toppings. But I should go with a veggie pizza or even one meat with veggies if I get pizza. So it's not like going cold turkey on your fave foods. It's just figureing out how to be healthy and wiser about those fave foods that we all love much. HALLOWEEN IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER. Being able to stay away from the candy is going to be harsh. But not to harsh. in the long run it'll be alright to snack on a fave candy fun size. we all probly will. nothing wrong with that. But we just have to becarefull about the intake of the candy. Me I have to stay away from most of it due to my new hated allergie which make me very scary allegic to my fave candy and food. Yet on the plus side it'll help me stay positve and think before I reach for what ever candy like I would in the past. So with the holdays around the corner enjoy your fave foods just try to think healthy and portion contol. 4 me that means no seconds and normal or smaller severing size and no going back for seconds and chose one pie not to sample the pumpkin and the apple with ice cream and cool whip. Now I relize where my wight has snuck up on me and caught up with me. I'm up for a challenge this year. But we all have what it takes.