Bambino on the way...Hurray!

57 F ,NY

Scouting Sites for a 2014 December Wedding

Sunday, January 19, 2014 at 10:00 AM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings

Meeting with the bride for a quick retail therapy session, light lunch at a a greek restaurant and then checking out a little chapel for her and my son's ceremony. The website indoor pictures looked nice, the exterior looked like an older home. I am looking forward to finding out the history of the site. I love architecture and knowing the style and century of a structure. My son's wedding is a little under 11 months at a moderate weight loss of 10 pounds a month I should be within my ideal healthy weight range. Losing over 100 pounds seems so daunting, but mini goals will get me there. I have 48 pounds to lose to get under 200 pounds. It would be awesome if to get to that in 2 months... but it is more realistic to get there by Mother's Day Sunday May 11, 2014. Hmmm a challenge in the making. 

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