I have moved back home. Left behind a relationship of six years that was good, but didn't have the spark. I left it for a relationship that is all spark. I'm getting to know him and his ways of life. He also has two kids, 6 & 9. So I am also getting to know how to raise children too. It's tough, but it will be good.
I'm noticing that I am in need of life changing styles. This is a completely new life. I need to start from the beginning. It's hard because I had a very stable life set up. I had a high paying job, completely fully stocked kitchen and house of furniture.
I didn't have true friends or spark with my partner. I had more like one friend that was my partner. I do wonder if I made the right decision, but decisions have been made and I can't look back now. No regrets, no regrets. I need to concentrate on this life ahead of me. I am with someone that loves me fiercely and will never let me go no matter what. I have definitely been testing him too.
That's where we get back to it is best that I move forward with my new life and new lifestyle. I need to become fit. I know that it will help with my mental state. I am jealous left and right, and I don't have any self esteem because I don't like the way I look. I know it's pretty shallow, but I've tried to get over it and that is where I keep ending up. I've also "tried" to do something about it SOOO many times before and failed.
I cannot fail again, I need success in my life. I need to not overeat and to actually workout consistently. That is the only way change will happen.