Sweet Teeth
Friday, October 23, 2015 at 10:04 AM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
As I reflect on the dietary choices of the previous month, I find myself pondering how we get Sweet Teeth. Not a Sweet Tooth, but a whole mouht full of Sweet Teeth.
As of late my snack choices have been heavy on processed and refined sugar. My mind and body crave sugary delights, and getting my "fix" consumes me. I must feed the machine.
Eating naturally sweet fruit becomes less enjoyable over time. A portion of green grapes are tasteless. A healthy and sweet treat is now bland and leaves me craving something more. MORE Sugar!
And so I begin another sugar detox. Months go by with very little processed and refined sugar. Naturally sweet, whole foods taste great and satisfy my Sweet Tooth. Sweet Teeth are not welcome here. My body stops craving junk and subsequent food binges cease to occur. In retrospect I should have had more control and power to stop the cycle. Nobody is perfect and our best intentions are bound to fail, if even for a fleeting moment. How we bounce back and recover from lapses in judgement define us a humans.