It maybe to late!!

52 F

Is it really to late??

Monday, October 12, 2020 at 2:06 PM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings

My name is Angela. I actually don't know where to start seeing that 2012 is when I officially began the FitClick program. I actually lose 65 pounds which was exciting to feel the weight disappear from my body. I also bought new clothes, a facial, a haircut, and dolled up my nails. The whole new look, awesome right?

I have be around the world (trying to continuing to lose weight) and bam; a door shut right on my face. What a sad feeling to encounter! I will come out and save because facts shouldn't put out there with sugar on the top. Depression sucks!!!

I think I used the struggles in my life to be burried and allowed the excuse to over eat. The plain truth is I stopped committing myself to my positves outlook than my negatives that occurs for everyone because life is not easy. WRONG!

So here I am today to commit to the positves in my life and confront the negative crap that comes about. I am unhealthy, period! I have two grand children that I want to be around to see my great grandchildren. I realize that will not happen if I stay on this negative road to death.

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