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Critical Evaluation of Literature - Critique

Thursday, February 4, 2021 at 7:27 AM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings

The Brisbane River has over a long period caused immense levels of floods for people living near its embankments. The most recent flood scenario is the 2010 flooding. However, it seems that people are not ready to evacuate the place, and thus suffer great losses in respect to financial resources and property. In my opinion, there is no way for all people living near the river be permanently evacuated. Therefore, it will be safe for the ‘Flood Hazard’ program to embark with providing both preventive and after-math measures of losses to be caused by the floods with article writing format.

First, decision to embark on deploying structuring measures is positive and can decrease possible level of losses. This measure model is likely to modify the floods. Currently, it is stated that there are two dams constructed in order to store flood waters. These dams are Wivenhoe and Somerset whose capacity to decrease the probability of floods of any given height from occurring downstream is apparent and necessary. It is safe to claim that the surrounding communities should be taught on certain important factors about upholding the dam’s activities.

They should be enlightened on the hydrological feature of the dam so that their limitations are not compromised. Moreover, they should be notified, in advance, about the need to decrease levels of developments near the Brisbane River catchment area. This is because increased developments near the dam can surpass the limit of flood water storage. Statistically, the 1974 floods caused lower havoc and losses as opposed to the 2011 floods that destroyed about 14,972 buildings. Notably, residents are encouraged to cease from activities that are socially unacceptable and also from relocating to higher areas within the catchment area.

Secondly, it is important for the relevant government bodies to embark in providing educational and informational-based programs. These programs ought to be made available to all the residents in order to ensure that successful implementation of flood hazard mitigation measures is conducted. Perception of the flooding is likely to be checked by the people whenever local personalities are used in the enlightened programs. The goal to decrease possible losses from occurring to the un-ware public domain should be made imminent. This can be done through obligatory disclosures of the impeding risks of the floods in respect to properties leased or bought. It is to be noted that the public officials should be used extensively to plan for future developments within the area. These development plans are supposed to be directed towards formulating the formidable evacuation plans associated with flood warnings. In this manner, I think that the level of possible losses can be off-set immensely.

Thirdly, effective flood plain zoning and building codes are expected to be implemented to avoid the immense negative flood effects. The population living near the banks of the river should be warned against over-exploitation of the area to ensure that flood hazards are eliminated. Boundaries ought to be set within the catchment area to prevent severities of floods caused by the ignorance of flood risk. The old and outdated calibrated hydraulic models established below the river should be corrected and replaced with modernized equipment. The on-going developments within this area are to be based on a flood plain zoning model. This model should be able to guide developers on the required building designs and construction materials perceived effective in eliminating the possible flood risk losses. It is important to realize that such variable as depth of inundation, water velocity, flood duration, and wave action should be considered when advising building designs for the local community at Brisbane River catchment area. The move by the relevant building agencies in Brisbane to include Flood Codes in its Planning codes is positive in nature. This is because the people living within this area will be protected from the immense flood adversaries. Accordingly, these Flood Codes have been formulated with a legal perspective so that future developments and other redevelopments are conducted with possible compensation claims.

Fourthly, there should be flood warnings put aside for purposes of the community living within this catchment zone. In addition, flood warnings are meant to reduce damage-related activities of the flood. The community should be enlightened on the manner for which flood maps operate to interpret the impeding warnings. The flood warnings ought to be supplied to the people at all times containing information about flood heights, estimated time of flood peaks, and developed river gauges. Numerous communication platforms should be put in place to provide efficient alerts in times of floods. Moreover, it is safe to indicate that the decision to design websites and other social media platforms is to be based on the fundamental facet of information storage. This stored information should also be made available to the community in times of need.

Fifthly, there should be the creation of relief and rehabilitation programs. These programs are meant to off-set the after-event response to impeding flood hazards. This humanitarian exercise is expected to involve both the public and private sectors. Notably, they should be planned before flood hazards take place. It is important to realize that these relief programs are supposed to provide relief food and funds to the affected families. Both the relief food and funds are to be availed to the affected communities in a timely and equitable manner to avoid any possible misfortunes. The relief programs and incentives are used as platforms for spreading the impeding losses associated with flood hazard. Thus, they should not be viewed as having encouraged the improved utilization of flood catchment area.

Sixthly, the setting of a flood insurance cover ought to come in handy after the implementation of both structural and non-structural measures affected. Insurance cover is to be affected to cover for the impeding of flood hazard residual damages. On the national perspective, insurance covers should be used to spread the level of risk across the diversified flood plain.The occupants of the flood plain are expected to access insurance covers on the subsidized government plan.

Seventhly, flood maps should be made accessible to all of the occupants within the flood plains. It is important to realize that the flood maps are useful for the immediate implementation of the flood hazard structural and non-structural measures. These maps are to be made easy-to- interpret at the individual capacity. This is to ensure that effective plain management strategies are put in place to aid with immense levels of loss for people living near the catchment area.

As evident by the discussion above, it is safe to postulate that people should be left to conduct their daily activities within the flood plains. This is because it will be costly to evacuate the residents permanently. Therefore, important structural and non-structural measures should be put in place in order to off-set the after-math of the flood hazards.


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