Tips for motorists

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Eating While Driving - Basic Rules

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Thursday, March 24, 2022 at 12:17 PM filed under General postings

Over the past half century, the car as such has lost its halo of inaccessibility, turning from an object of demonstration of status and financial well-being of its owner into a common means of transportation.

Moreover, for some categories of people a car has become not just an additional means of income, but the only source of income. Therefore, it is not surprising that a modern person began to spend more time behind the wheel, where he has not only to rest, but also to eat.

According to studies, the average driver spends four years and three months at the wheel in his life, covering for this time a distance three times greater than that between the Moon and the Earth. About 3 months are spent waiting in traffic jams, which is at least 38 hours a year.

Law enforcers in some countries, eating while driving has long been equated to talking on the phone and brings quite tangible penalties in the form of fines, revocation of driving licenses and even arrests.

Choose the right foods

Since the situation forces you to eat while driving, it is necessary to approach the issue of food selection with maximum responsibility. Otherwise you risk ruining the train not only for yourself but also for your companions. For example, dairy products or too fatty food can cause stomach upsets, and too heavy - reduce concentration and increase fatigue.

So, here's a short list of foods that are acceptable to eat while driving:

Fresh fruits and vegetables. With their help, you can satisfy a slight hunger, as well as replenish the lack of fluids and vitamins in the body. The only thing to remember is that they should easily fit in your hand and not be too juicy. The best choices are: small carrots, gherkins, apples and pears, bananas and avocados.

Traditional sandwiches and rolls. Bear in mind that we're not talking about thick sandwiches and hamburgers. It will be appropriate to have classic sandwiches with bread, cheese and sausage, which are not only easy to hold with one hand, but also have a high energy value.

Crackers and galette cookies. Such a treat is easy to eat, does not stain your hands and does not require any additional processing. Here we are talking about the classic cookies, without any flavors and flavorings, including salted crackers.

Broths and soups. With their help driver quickly quenches his hunger, but for their use of be sure to have a special capacity-pourer, otherwise there is a high risk of spilling himself and the bodies of the car.

It should be noted that the best way to quench thirst is to use plain non-carbonated water.

What products are better to avoid while driving

Coffee. Many people appreciate coffee for its rapidly invigorating effect, but few are aware of such a concept as "30-kilometer syndrome". The fact that the caffeine contained in coffee, enough to overcome about 30-40 miles, after which it is replaced by theobromine, catching fatigue and causing sleepiness.

Hamburgers and hot dogs with copious amounts of sauce. Both the former and latter make the driver's hands greasy and also have a high chance of leaking, which can contribute to dirty clothes and thus distract the driver from the road.

Chocolates and chocolates. It would seem that what could be terrible about a chocolate bar or small bar of chocolate, but in practice they tend to melt in the warm interior, which is fraught with dirty hands and controls of the car, and increase feelings of thirst.

Scones and doughnuts with fillers. When they are eaten while driving, there is a high probability of leaking and getting fillings on your hands, steering wheel, and seat. All of this will make the driver distracted from the road.

Sodas. The gases it contains tend to "hit the nose", which makes the eyes water, reduces visibility and concentration of the driver. In addition, the opening of carbonated water can cause the so-called "champagne effect", which in most cases is fraught with the emergence of an accident.

Try to eat only in the designated places, and if it is impossible - eat in the car, but on condition that it is not moving.

If you do not have the opportunity to stop for a long time and eat, make a few short stops, during which try to take a large enough amount of food to satisfy hunger.

If you have to eat while driving, reduce your speed to the minimum possible, stay in the right lane and don't stop watching the road. And if something falls on the floor - in any case, do not try to pick up the fallen object on the move, it is better to stop or remove the trash after arriving at your destination.


No matter how much you were in a hurry, the five minutes needed for a quick stop and a snack are unlikely to change much, in the pinch you can always catch up with the lost time on a level stretch of road.


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