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Car Mechanic: How to Lose Weight at Work

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Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 9:32 AM filed under General postings

You can work out as much as you want after hours, but coming to work and eating junk food will negate the effect of the exercise. How to correct the situation and lose weight at work? Tip together with the experts.

In terms of harm to the body it is difficult to find a place more dangerous than work: we spend here 8-9 hours a day, are constantly tempted to snack, nervous, fix best h1 led bulb, rebuild the engine, change the brake pads. Which results in weight gain. How to change this? 

Step one: slow down and look around


Many car services, just a treasure chest of extra calories. You've got candy from the customer who's always standing over you, snack machines, and pastries brought in by a caring colleague. In order to resist temptation, it is advisable to be conscious every time: "If you are thinking about tasting any of the treats brought by a colleague, remember that you have very little information about their ingredients - If you are invited to some corporate event, pause and assess the situation. How hungry are you? Decide right here and now if you will try the beer and chiazas offered, and if so, how much, and then stick to your calculations.

Step Two: Tune up your eating regimen.


If you skip breakfast or lunch, the risk of gorging yourself on "junk food" at work increases manifold. Maybe in the morning, as you think, there is no time for breakfast - then you should consider "fast" protein meals. Too much of a rush? "Make sure you always have light breakfast foods at home that you can bring with you - small ones are best. Fruit, especially bananas, yogurts, smoothies are absolute favorites here. But it is not worth choosing cereal bars: they have as many calories and sugar as candy. 

The same goes for lunch: many of us today skip it at worst, eat it at best in the workplace. "If you're chewing and working at the same time, there's a high probability that you'll eat distractedly. And that can cause weight gain - because you're more likely to overeat.", - A sober mind and constant attention to your sense of hunger are necessary components of weight control. So the best way not to gain weight at work is to eat lunch regularly. On the one hand, it will be easier for you to ignore unhealthy snacks, and on the other hand, you will not be overpowered by ravenous hunger in the evening.

Step Three: Add Movement


Routine work on changing the bulbs in the headlights is a direct path to overweight and health problems.  To avoid this, our experts advise adding movement to your life - both on your way to work and while you're at work.

The auto shop opens up many opportunities to engage in work tools, the role of which can be played by wrenches. If you have a heavy hammer, a full bottle of machine oil - use them as a weighting tool. Shift it from one hand to the other, wiggle your muscles, mimic the movements of a rower, swing your arms, or stretch upward - how about putting a car wheel on your lap, resting your toes on the floor and raising and lowering your knees.

Step Four: Reduce Stress


Stress makes us get better. It is unlikely, of course, that you will be able to change your supervisor for a more balanced one, or give up some of the tasks that cause you negative emotions. But you have the power to change the attitude to all of this, and use every free minute, doing exercises for relaxation.

Try to adjust your work routine with these tips - even small changes can help you stay slim.


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